
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

“Using Fiction to Tell Mad Stories: A Journey into Historical Imagination and Empathy.” Rethinking History.

“Ritualizing Madness: Case Files as Sites of Enforced Performativity, 1894-1950.” Canadian Journal of Disability Studies 10, 1 (2021): 1-22.

Book Reviews

“Not Good Enough for Canada: Canadian Public Discourse around Issues of Inadmissibility for Potential Immigrants with Diseases and/or Disabilities, 1902-2002 (Review).” Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 39, 1 (2022): 193–196.

Other Publications

“Deporting Mad Girls: The Colliding of the Century of the Child and the Century of Canada.” Friends of the CAMH Archive Newsletter. Autumn 2022.

“Mad Pasts: Reimagining Histories of Madness Through Blended Writing.” (In-progress, invited publication)

Conferences, Interviews, and Presentations


“Selective Care: The Death of Children in British Columbian Asylums, 1900-1920.” Compassion and Care Emotions and Experience in the Care of Children through History Conference. Manchester, UK. March 2023.

“Institutionalizing and Deporting Eileen: The Intersections of Youth Criminalization, Nation Building, and Compliance.” Critical Disability Studies Conference, Virtual. August 2022.

"Representing Disability in Josei Manga: What Perfect World Tells Us About the State and Future of Disability." Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Comics, Virtual. May 2022.

“Blackness, Madness, and Citizenship: The Admission and Deportation of John D.” The Canadian Historical Association, Virtual. May 2021.

“Maddening Asylum Historiography: Challenging the Biomedical Dominance” Challenging the Dominant Narrative, The Interdisciplinary California State Graduate Conference, Virtual. November 2020.

“Changing Conversations: Disability Discourse in Canada.” Panel with Cindy Jiang and Yonmee Han. Robarts Centre Graduate Conference, York University, Toronto, Ontario. April 2020. Cancelled due to COVID-19.

“The Lost Voices Project: Writing Historical Fiction as a Historian.” Annual Meeting of the National Council for Public History, Nevada, Las Vegas. April 2018.

“Unconventional Methodology: Historical Fiction and Asylum Experiences.” Alternative histories: Methodologies, Facts and Visions, University of Tampere, Finland. November 2017.

“Narrating the Lost Voices: Brockville Patient History for the Public.” UNB-uMaine International Graduate Student Conference, University of New Brunswick. October 2017.

“When the Wave Hits the Shore: The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom in the Cold War.” Underhill Graduate Student Colloquium, Carleton University. March 2017.


“Mad Positive Pedagogy: Mobilizing Kindness and Compassion.” STAY Symposium, York University. May 2022.

“Supporting Mad Students: Developing a Mad-Positive Pedagogy for Teaching Assistants.” York University Teaching Commons. February 2022.


Gupta, Joeita. Reimagining Mental Illness. Interview with Kira A. Smith. The Pulse. AMI. May 29, 2021.